The Story of Grizzly Bear and Patrick Daughters' Magical Brain

[caption id=”attachment_2234” align=”aligncenter” width=”565” caption=”Feist and Patrick Daughters”]Feist and Patrick Daughters[/caption]

Once upon a time there was this brilliant film director named Patrick Daughters who directed short films, commercials and videos for indie artists. They were brilliant. The end?

Ooh, not even close. This Cali cool man is all but 33 years old, pumping out more indie-related videos than a 17-year-old guitar player with a bad haircut and a YouTube account. He’s the one behind the avant-garde, split screen video of King of Leon’s ‘Bucket’ and the iPod-induced sensation of Feist’s ‘1234’ (not to mention the ultra chic ‘My Moon My Man,’ ‘Mushaboom,’ and ‘I Feel it All’).

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